The Skills Acquisition Phase (SAP) Program provides two (2) additional sessions per week for players looking to develop their football skills. The Young Lions Discovery Program is an 8 week fun football training program (training once a week in Kingston) for children who would like to learn football by playing football.
Skill Acquisition Phase (U9-U12)
The 8 week Skill Acquisition Phase development program for boys and girls commences Monday 17th October at Lightwood Park. It runs Mondays & Wednesdays through School Term and excludes Public Holidays. Players in this cycle will have the opportunity to participate in the SAP Festival in December. Each session focusses on one of the 4 core skills – running with the ball; striking the ball; first touch; and 1v1. Sessions are delivered by our qualified coaches and cater for all skill levels.
It runs through School Term, excludes Public Holidays – Players are encouraged to attend both nights however if another sport or activity prevents this, the Club will accept players into the program one night a week.
- Mondays 4:30pm-5:45pm
- Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm
You do not have to play for Kingborough Lions United FC to be involved !!
2022 Young Lions Discovery Term 4 (U5-U8)
The 8 week Discovery Phase Development program commences Wednesday 19th October at Lightwood Park . The program allows the children to play lots of varied fun football related games, and also extends the skill training component for younger players who are ready to progress their skills
It runs Wednesdays through School Term, excludes Public Holidays. (Wednesday 4:30pm-5:30pm)