2025 Holiday Clinics (U7-U12)
These will be half or full days of primarily fun football activities but mix it up a bit by adding in games like dodgeball and flags.
We will have a variety of games on offer Mini Soccer World Cup, Table Tennis, handball, indoor cricket, dodgeball, soccer cricket, basketball, flags, orienteering and soccer golf.
Clinics start at 9:00am (drop off as early as 8:30am) and finish at 3pm (full day) or 12:30pm (half day).
All boys & girls aged 7-12 years old are welcome to participate regardless of their skill level and the clinics are conducted by KLUFC staff.
A lunch pack may also be purchased – cup noodles, sandwich or toastie, fruit, drink (fruit juice or water), snack (pizza shapes, muesli bar, tiny teddies). The Kiosk will be open for the purchase of snacks (including lollies, crisps, chocolate bars) and drinks.
If you require further information, please contact Tim [email protected]
Players require the following equipment for the clinics:
- Football boots
- Sandshoes for indoor games and activities
- Shin pads covered with football socks
- Recess & lunch (can be purchased from the Kiosk)
- A full water bottle
- sunscreen and a hat
- Positive attitude!
Parent Agreement: I give KLUFC permission to publish photos of our training sessions, games or clinics on the KLUFC website, Facebook page and/or the Kingborough Chronicle. Children are not named in any publication where photos are used.